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halos (glories)  

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  • halo (glories)


  • "Glories that comprise a circle, disk, series of lines, or rays of light with which the head of the sacred personage is surrounded. In Hellenistic and Roman art, halos are worn by the sun-god Helios and Roman emperors often appear with a crown of rays. The imagery was picked up in Christian art." (The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Halos (Glories)’)


  • The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Halos (Glories)’, Art & Architecture Thesaurus Full Record Display (Getty Research), 25 January 2021. [Date of Access, 1 Aug. 2023].


  • Jona Schlegel

Editorial note

  • This concept is taken from the Getty AAT.


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 5/17/23, last modified 8/10/23