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Preferred term

geometric style (graffiti)  

Entry terms

  • style, geometric

Belongs to group


  • Jona Schlegel
  • Stefan Wogrin

Editorial note

  • The geometric style in graffiti refers to a specific approach where the design, particularly the lettering, adheres to geometric patterns or attributes. This style is characterised by its use of precise lines, angles, and shapes, which lend a sense of order and symmetry to the graffiti. In the geometric style, letters are often deconstructed into their basic geometric components, such as squares, circles, and triangles. These elements are then reassembled or overlaid in a way that maintains the legibility of the letters while introducing a distinct visual complexity. The geometric style is a testament to the graffitist's ability to manipulate and reinterpret traditional letter forms. It showcases the versatility of graffiti as a medium for creative expression, and the capacity of graffitists to innovate within the constraints of the alphabet.


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