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Agents <facet> > People <hierarchy name>

Preferred term

People <hierarchy name>  

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  • "The People hierarchy contains terms for the roles played by or condition of individual people (e.g., "painter") and multiple people (e.g., "painters"), but not organizations. Included are roles for people's occupations or activities (e.g., "conservators"), by biological or social roles (e.g., "parents "), and by other characteristics such as adherence to a particular belief (e.g., "pacifists ") or social or physical condition (e.g., "rulers"). Also included are terms for roles of multiple people defined by activity (e.g., "steel bands ") and social, mental, or physical condition (e.g., "poor"). Relation to other hierarchies: Terms for organized groups of people (e.g., "firms;" "nations") are found in the Organizations hierarchy. Terms for branches of learning, areas of specialization, and professional fields are found in the Disciplines hierarchy (e.g., "mathematics;" "museology")." (The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘People (Hierarchy Name)’)


  • The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘People (Hierarchy Name)’, Art & Architecture Thesaurus Full Record Display (Getty Research), 25 January 2021. [Date of Access, 1 Aug. 2023].


  • Jona Schlegel

Editorial note

  • Contains information from the J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Research Institute, the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 5/17/23, last modified 8/10/23