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Associated Concepts <facet> > Associated Concepts <hierarchy name>

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Associated Concepts <hierarchy name>  


  • "The Associated Concepts hierarchy contains terms for concepts and phenomena relating to a wide range of topics, including topics not directly related to art, for example philosophical concepts. Relation to other hierarchies: Terms for branches of learning and areas of specialization, as well as professions and professional specialties, (e.g., "history") are found in the Disciplines hierarchy, while concepts associated with these disciplines (e.g., "positivism ") appear here. Terms for styles and for art and architecture movements (e.g., "Neoclassical;" "Impressionist") are found in the Styles and Periods hierarchy, while forms of expression (e.g., "abstraction") and broad categories of art and architecture that are not specific to a given people or period (e.g., "organic architecture;" "street art") are here." (The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Associated Concepts (Hierarchy Name)’)


  • The J. Paul Getty Trust. ‘Associated Concepts (Hierarchy Name)’, Art & Architecture Thesaurus Full Record Display (Getty Research), 25 January 2021. [Date of Access, 1 Aug. 2023].


  • Jona Schlegel

Editorial note

  • Contains information from the J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Research Institute, the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 5/17/23, last modified 8/10/23