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Angaben zum Begriff

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

second outlines (graffiti)  


  • outline, second (graffti)
  • outlines, second (graffiti)
  • second outline (graffiti)

Gehört zur Gruppe


  • Jona Schlegel
  • Stefan Wogrin


  • "Second outlines (graffiti)" refers to the final layer of outlining in a graffito. This is often applied after the fill-ins and first outlines have been completed, serving to enhance the visual impact of the graffito. The second outline, also known as the final outline, helps to make the letters 'pop', creating a distinct separation between the letters and the background. It can also serve to hide any imperfections or mistakes in the fill-in stage. This technique is an integral part of the graffito creation process, contributing to the overall aesthetic and readability of the piece. As with all graffiti techniques, it should be understood within its specific cultural and aesthetic context.


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