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Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

cracks (motif)  


  • crack
  • crack (motif)
  • cracks

Gehört zur Gruppe


  • Jona Schlegel
  • Stefan Wogrin


  • The term "cracks" within the context of graffiti refers to a specific motif or pattern that a graffitist may incorporate into their work. This motif, as the name suggests, mimics the appearance of cracks or fissures, and can be used in various ways to enhance the visual complexity and depth of a graffito. Cracks can be used as a background element, providing texture and visual interest to the surface on which the graffito is created. They can also be used within the fillings of a graffito, adding an additional layer of detail to the letters or images. The use of a cracks motif can create a sense of age, decay, or fragility, contributing to the overall narrative or aesthetic of the graffito.


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