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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- scratching (graffiti) → scratching (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: scratchings (graffiti)scratchings (graffiti)
- scratching (technique)
- scratchings (graffiti)
- script and type forms <guide term>
- script and type signs
- sculpture (graffiti) → sculpture (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: sculptures (graffiti)sculptures (graffiti)
- sculptures (graffiti)
- second outline (graffiti) → second outline (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: second outlines (graffiti)second outlines (graffiti)
- second outlines (graffiti)
- second row (graffiti) → second row (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: second rows (graffiti)second rows (graffiti)
- second rows (graffiti)
- semi wild style → semi wild style Stattdessen verwenden: semi Wildstyle (graffiti)semi Wildstyle (graffiti)
- semi Wildstyle (graffiti)
- semi-Wildstyle → semi-Wildstyle Stattdessen verwenden: semi Wildstyle (graffiti)semi Wildstyle (graffiti)
- semi-wildstyle → semi-wildstyle Stattdessen verwenden: semi Wildstyle (graffiti)semi Wildstyle (graffiti)
- shadow (graffiti) → shadow (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: shadows (graffiti)shadows (graffiti)
- shadows (graffiti)
- shadows, letter (graffiti) → shadows, letter (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: letter shadows (graffiti)letter shadows (graffiti)
- sign, anarchy → sign, anarchy Stattdessen verwenden: anarchy symbolsanarchy symbols
- simple style (graffiti)
- sketch book → sketch book Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- sketch books → sketch books Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- sketch pads → sketch pads Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- sketch-book → sketch-book Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- sketch-books → sketch-books Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- sketch-pads → sketch-pads Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- sketchbook → sketchbook Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- sketchbooks
- sketchpads → sketchpads Stattdessen verwenden: sketchbookssketchbooks
- slogan (graffiti) → slogan (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: slogans (verbal graffiti)slogans (verbal graffiti)
- slogans (verbal graffiti)
- smiley (graffiti) → smiley (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: smilies (graffiti)smilies (graffiti)
- smilies (graffiti)
- social media
- social media handle → social media handle Stattdessen verwenden: social media handlessocial media handles
- social media handles
- social science concepts
- sociological concepts
- star (motif) → star (motif) Stattdessen verwenden: stars (motif)stars (motif)
- stars (motif)
- stencil → stencil Stattdessen verwenden: stencils (street art)stencils (street art)
- stencil, paint (technique) → stencil, paint (technique) Stattdessen verwenden: paint stencil (technique)paint stencil (technique)
- stencils (street art)
- sticker → sticker Stattdessen verwenden: stickers (street art)stickers (street art)
- sticker style → sticker style Stattdessen verwenden: styles (sticker)styles (sticker)
- stickers (street art)
- street art (graffiti)
- street art style → street art style Stattdessen verwenden: styles (street art)styles (street art)
- street artist → street artist Stattdessen verwenden: street artists (graffiti)street artists (graffiti)
- street artists (graffiti)
- style (graffiti) → style (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: styles (graffiti)styles (graffiti)
- style, blockbuster → style, blockbuster Stattdessen verwenden: blockbuster style (graffiti)blockbuster style (graffiti)
- style, bubble → style, bubble Stattdessen verwenden: bubble style (graffiti)bubble style (graffiti)
- style, geometric → style, geometric Stattdessen verwenden: geometric style (graffiti)geometric style (graffiti)
- style, mechanical → style, mechanical Stattdessen verwenden: mechanical style (graffiti)mechanical style (graffiti)
- style, organic → style, organic Stattdessen verwenden: organic style (graffiti)organic style (graffiti)
- style, paper → style, paper Stattdessen verwenden: paper style (graffiti)paper style (graffiti)
- style, photorealistic → style, photorealistic Stattdessen verwenden: photorealistic style (graffiti)photorealistic style (graffiti)
- style, simple → style, simple Stattdessen verwenden: simple style (graffiti)simple style (graffiti)
- styles (graffiti)
- styles (sticker)
- styles (street art)
- styles (writing)
- Styles and Periods <facet>
- Styles and Periods <hierarchy name>
- styles, periods, and cultures by general era <guide term>
- subtractive processes and techniques <guide term>
- surface covering processes and techniques <guide term>
- swirl → swirl Stattdessen verwenden: swirls (motif)swirls (motif)
- swirl (motif) → swirl (motif) Stattdessen verwenden: swirls (motif)swirls (motif)
- swirls → swirls Stattdessen verwenden: swirls (motif)swirls (motif)
- swirls (motif)
- symbol (graffiti) → symbol (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: graffiti symbolgraffiti symbol
- symbol, anarchy → symbol, anarchy Stattdessen verwenden: anarchy symbolsanarchy symbols
- symbols (graffiti) → symbols (graffiti) Stattdessen verwenden: graffiti symbolgraffiti symbol
Informationen zum Vokabular
INDIGO Graffiti Thesaurus
street art
The INDIGO Graffiti Thesaurus is a curated academic resource centred on contemporary graffiti terminology, with a spatial focus on the Danube Canal in Vienna, Austria. It is not just a compilation of terms, but also a specialised tool that organises and categorises graffiti-related concepts within a controlled vocabulary. More specifically, it takes the form of a thesaurus, where concepts are connected to each other through equivalence, hierarchical, and associative relationships.
By leveraging the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) data model, the thesaurus ensures consistency and precision in its representation of information. The use of SKOS not only makes the thesaurus accessible but also interoperable, allowing for seamless integration with other widely used resources such as Wikidata and the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) of the J. Paul Getty Trust and Getty Research Institute. The thesaurus is inspired by the AAT and therefore also contains information provided under the ODC Attribution License by the Getty Research Institute. Moreover, the content systematically reflects the structure of the AAT by using facets, hierarchy names, and guide terms.
The thesaurus is made available through the Vocabs service of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), which utilises Skosmos, an open-source software tailored for publishing vocabularies. For enhanced accessibility, the thesaurus can be queried via a REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface), facilitating its interaction with data over the World Wide Web. Moreover, its availability in diverse data formats, including TSV (Tab-Separated Values) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), caters to a wide range of academic and technological preferences.
With its unique focus on the graffiti culture of the Danube Canal, the thesaurus offers a deep insight into Vienna's Danube Canal contemporary graffiti world and serves as a valuable tool for all those interested in this form of creativity.
By leveraging the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) data model, the thesaurus ensures consistency and precision in its representation of information. The use of SKOS not only makes the thesaurus accessible but also interoperable, allowing for seamless integration with other widely used resources such as Wikidata and the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) of the J. Paul Getty Trust and Getty Research Institute. The thesaurus is inspired by the AAT and therefore also contains information provided under the ODC Attribution License by the Getty Research Institute. Moreover, the content systematically reflects the structure of the AAT by using facets, hierarchy names, and guide terms.
The thesaurus is made available through the Vocabs service of the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), which utilises Skosmos, an open-source software tailored for publishing vocabularies. For enhanced accessibility, the thesaurus can be queried via a REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface), facilitating its interaction with data over the World Wide Web. Moreover, its availability in diverse data formats, including TSV (Tab-Separated Values) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), caters to a wide range of academic and technological preferences.
With its unique focus on the graffiti culture of the Danube Canal, the thesaurus offers a deep insight into Vienna's Danube Canal contemporary graffiti world and serves as a valuable tool for all those interested in this form of creativity.
Geert Verhoeven
Massimiliano Carloni
Jona Schlegel
Stefan Wogrin
Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) 1.0;
Contains information from the J. Paul Getty Trust, Getty Research Institute, the Art & Architecture Thesaurus, which is made available under the ODC Attribution License.
Graffiti Project INDIGO Thesaurus Repository:
Schlegel, Jona, Massimiliano Carloni, Stefan Wogrin, Ann M. Graf, and Geert J. Verhoeven. ‘Making a Mark—Towards a Graffiti Thesaurus’. Document | Archive | Disseminate Graffiti-Scapes, 2023, 203–19.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 15:57:40
Letzte Änderung
Monday, August 21, 2023 09:07:30
Contemporary graffiti terminology with a spatial focus on the Danube Canal, Vienna, Austria
project INDIGO
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