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Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > (story of) Hercules (Heracles) > love-affairs of Hercules > Hercules in love with Omphale; the hero is set to spin wool or to do other women's work among the servants, while Omphale wears his lion's skin and wields his club and bow

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94L24Hercules in love with Omphale; the hero is set to spin wool or to do other women's work among the servants, while Omphale wears his lion's skin and wields his club and bow  


  • ancient history
  • bow (weapon)
  • classical antiquity
  • club (weapon)
  • Greek legend
  • Hercules
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • hide
  • history
  • housewife
  • legend
  • lion's skin
  • love-affair
  • mythology
  • Omphale
  • spinning


  • 94L24


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