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Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > the Trojan war (94C - 94H) > the Trojan war: the gathering of the Greek heroes > Achilles discovered among the daughters of Lycomedes, i.e. Achilles on Scyros: when presents are brought Achilles snatches up the weapons and thus betrays his identity

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94C22Achilles discovered among the daughters of Lycomedes, i.e. Achilles on Scyros: when presents are brought Achilles snatches up the weapons and thus betrays his identity  


  • Achilles
  • ancient history
  • assembly
  • classical antiquity
  • cycle
  • disguise
  • epic
  • finding
  • gift
  • girl
  • Greek legend
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • history
  • identity
  • legend
  • Lycomedes (King)
  • mythology
  • revealing
  • Scyros
  • siege
  • Trojans
  • Trojan war
  • Troy
  • war


  • 94C22


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