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... > Bible > New Testament > lives and acts of the apostles of Christ; epistles > lives and acts of the apostles (part II) > life and acts of Stephen (Acts 6:8 - 8:2) > narrations ~ Stephen after his death > Lucian the priest is told by the appearance of Gamaliel where to find the grave of Stephen; he informs the bishop of Jerusalem

Preferred term

73F3571Lucian the priest is told by the appearance of Gamaliel where to find the grave of Stephen; he informs the bishop of Jerusalem  


  • Acts
  • Acts 06
  • Acts 07
  • Acts 08
  • apostle
  • appearance
  • bible
  • bishop
  • Gamaliel
  • grave
  • Lucian
  • New Testament
  • post-mortem
  • priest
  • reporting
  • Stephen (St.)


  • 73F3571


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