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... > Bible > Old Testament > story of David > the consolidation of David's kingship (2 Samuel 5, 8-10, 21-24) > David takes a census (2 Samuel 24; 1 Chronicles 21) > God punishes Israel with three days of plague; the avenging angel with his sword drawn goes through the land; seventy thousand men are killed

Preferred term

71H546God punishes Israel with three days of plague; the avenging angel with his sword drawn goes through the land; seventy thousand men are killed  


  • angel
  • avenging
  • bible
  • census
  • Chronicles-1 21
  • David
  • Israel
  • kingship
  • massacre
  • Old Testament
  • plague
  • Samuel-2 05
  • Samuel-2 08-10
  • Samuel-2 21-24
  • Samuel-2 24
  • sword


  • 71H546


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