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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > the bishop Nicholas of Myra (or Bari); possible attributes: anchor, boat, three golden balls (on a book), three purses, three children in a tub, three maidens > miraculous activities and events ~ St. Nicholas > St. Nicholas frees three soldiers from prison by appearing to emperor Constantine in a dream; Constantine sends the three released men with gifts to St. Nicholas

Preferred term

11H(NICHOLAS)53St. Nicholas frees three soldiers from prison by appearing to emperor Constantine in a dream; Constantine sends the three released men with gifts to St. Nicholas  


  • anchor
  • ball
  • Bari
  • bishop
  • boat
  • book
  • child
  • Christian religion
  • Constantine the Great (St.)
  • dream
  • emperor
  • gift
  • girl
  • liberating
  • money-bag
  • Myra
  • Nicholas of Myra (St.)
  • religion
  • saint
  • sending
  • soldier
  • supernatural
  • three
  • tub


  • 11H(NICHOLAS)53


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