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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > the Franciscan friar Di(a)dacus of Alcala; possible attributes: cooking-pot, cross, flowers, keys > miraculous activities and events ~ St. Didacus > the Angelkitchen: while cooking St. Di(a)dacus is lifted off the earth in ecstasy; angels continue his cooking for him

Preferred term

11H(DIDACUS)51the Angelkitchen: while cooking St. Di(a)dacus is lifted off the earth in ecstasy; angels continue his cooking for him  


  • angel
  • Angelkitchen
  • Christian religion
  • cooking
  • cooking-pot
  • cross
  • Didacus (St.)
  • ecstasy
  • flower
  • Franciscans
  • key
  • kitchen
  • levitation
  • monk
  • religion
  • saint
  • supernatural


  • 11H(DIDACUS)51


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