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... > klassinen mytologia ja antiikin historia > jumalat ~ klassinen mytologia > Taivaan pääjumalat, ja heidän seurueensa > Merkurius (Hermes) (Merkuriuksen taru) > love-affairs of Mercury > Mercury woos the nymph Lara when conveying her to the underworld, after Jupiter had deprived her of her tongue

Preferred term

92B523Mercury woos the nymph Lara when conveying her to the underworld, after Jupiter had deprived her of her tongue  


  • historia
  • jumalat
  • klassinen antiikin kausi
  • Lara
  • lemmenseikkailu
  • liehittely
  • manala
  • Merkurius
  • muinaishistoria
  • mytologia
  • opastaminen
  • rakkausjuttu
  • taivas
  • tuonela


  • 92B523


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