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Raamattu > Uusi Testamentti > Kristuksen kärsimys > Kristus tuonelassa, Kristus helvetin esikartanoissa, 'descensus ad inferos', 'Anastasis' > triumphal arrival in paradise of Christ and of those he rescued; they are received by Mary, by Enoch and Elijah, or by the Good Malefactor

Preferred term

73D95triumphal arrival in paradise of Christ and of those he rescued; they are received by Mary, by Enoch and Elijah, or by the Good Malefactor  


  • äestäminen
  • Anastasis
  • descensus ad inferos
  • Elia
  • Heenok
  • helvetin esikartano
  • helvetti
  • henkilön vastaanottaminen
  • Henok
  • Hyvä pahantekijä
  • karhiminen
  • Kristuksen kärsimyshistoria
  • Kristus
  • limbus
  • manala
  • Maria (Neitsyt)
  • Pahantekijät
  • paratiisi
  • raamattu
  • taivas
  • triumfi
  • tuonela
  • Uusi Testamentti


  • 73D95


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