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... > Raamattu > Vanha Testamentti > the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esdras > return from the Babylonian Captivity > the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 3) > ceremonies in honour of the completion of the foundation of the temple ~ book of Ezra

Preferred term

71R123ceremonies in honour of the completion of the foundation of the temple ~ book of Ezra  


  • Babylonian vankeus
  • Esra
  • Esra kirja 03
  • Esterin kirja
  • jälleenrakennus
  • juhlamenot
  • Nehemia
  • pakkosiirtolaisuus Babyloniassa (juutalaiset)
  • peruskivi (rak)
  • raamattu
  • seremonia
  • temppeli
  • Vanha testamentti


  • 71R123


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