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... > Raamattu > Vanha Testamentti > Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, Deuteronomion, Joosua: israelilaisten orjuusajasta Egyptissä heidän asettumiseensa Kanaanin maahan > the book of Joshua (Josue) > the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites under Joshua's leadership (part I) > the ruse of the Gibeonites (Joshua 9) > the people of Gibeon, fearing Joshua and his men, decide to deceive them: they load their donkeys with worn-out sacks, they put on ragged clothes and old sandals and take decaying food

Preferred term

71E5281the people of Gibeon, fearing Joshua and his men, decide to deceive them: they load their donkeys with worn-out sacks, they put on ragged clothes and old sandals and take decaying food  


  • aasi
  • gibeonilaiset
  • israelilaiset
  • Joosua
  • Joosuan kirja 09
  • juoni
  • Kanaaninmaa
  • pelko
  • petos
  • raamattu
  • ravinto
  • riepu
  • ruoka
  • ryysyt
  • saastunut ruoka
  • säkki
  • sandaali
  • valloittaminen
  • valtaaminen
  • Vanha testamentti
  • vilppi


  • 71E5281


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