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... > Raamattu > Vanha Testamentti > Tuomarien aika > Judges 6-12 > the time of Gideon (Jerubbaal) ~ the book of Judges > Gideon assembles the people for a raid against the Midianites (Judges 6:33-40) > twice Gideon asks the Lord to show him a sign with a sheep's fleece before his raid against the Midianites

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71F2143twice Gideon asks the Lord to show him a sign with a sheep's fleece before his raid against the Midianites  


  • Gideon
  • Gideonin villat
  • israelilaiset
  • kokoaminen
  • kokoontuminen
  • kysyminen
  • merkki
  • midianilaiset
  • raamattu
  • tuomari
  • Tuomarien kirja
  • Tuomarien kirja 06
  • Tuomarien kirja 06-12
  • Vanha testamentti


  • 71F2143


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