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Classical Mythology and Ancient History > Roman gods and legends > the story of Aeneas' wanderings to Italy (Virgil, Aeneid) > Aeneas reaches Africa (Virgil, Aeneid I) > the meeting of Aeneas and Dido; when he approaches her throne, the cloud enveloping him and Achates vanishes

Preferred term

96B24the meeting of Aeneas and Dido; when he approaches her throne, the cloud enveloping him and Achates vanishes  


  • Achates
  • Aeneas
  • Africa
  • ancient history
  • Carthage
  • classical antiquity
  • cloud
  • Dido
  • epic
  • history
  • legend
  • meeting
  • mythology
  • Roman legend
  • sailing
  • ship
  • throne
  • Trojans
  • Virgil, Aeneid
  • Virgil, Aeneid 01
  • wandering


  • 96B24


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