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... > klassinen mytologia ja antiikin historia > Kreikan sankaritarut (I) > Theseus (Theseuksen taru) > early life, prime youth of Theseus > infancy, upbringing of Theseus > Theseus takes the sword and the sandals of his father Aegeus from under the rock; usually in the presence of his mother Aethra

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

94M122Theseus takes the sword and the sandals of his father Aegeus from under the rock; usually in the presence of his mother Aethra  


  • Aigeus
  • Aithra
  • historia
  • kallio
  • kasvatus
  • kivi
  • klassinen antiikin kausi
  • Kreikan sankaritaru
  • kreikkalainen sankaritaru
  • lapsi
  • lapsuus
  • legenda
  • miekka
  • muinaishistoria
  • mytologia
  • nuoruus
  • pyhimystaru
  • sandaali
  • sankari
  • sankarilegenda
  • Theseus


  • 94M122


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