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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > classical history > male persons from classical history > male persons from classical history (with NAME) > (story of) Numa Pompilius > post-mortem occurrences of Numa Pompilius > the sarcophagus of Numa is found on the Janiculum together with another sarcophagus containing seven Latin books on sacred law and seven Greek books (which are burned in public)

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

98B(NUMA POMPILIUS)71the sarcophagus of Numa is found on the Janiculum together with another sarcophagus containing seven Latin books on sacred law and seven Greek books (which are burned in public)  


  • ancient history
  • appearance
  • book
  • burning (books)
  • classical antiquity
  • classical history
  • Greeks
  • historical person
  • history
  • identity
  • Janiculum
  • man
  • mythology
  • name
  • Numa Pompilius
  • post-mortem
  • Romans
  • sarcophagus
  • seven




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