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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > classical history > male persons from classical history > male persons from classical history (with NAME) > (story of) C. Popilius Laenas > non-aggressive activities of C. Popilius Laenas > the consul C. Popilius Laenas, commissioned by the Roman senate to order Antiochus IV Epiphanes to abstain from war, with his staff draws a circle around the monarch and asks him not to go beyond it before answering

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

98B(LAENAS, C.P.)51the consul C. Popilius Laenas, commissioned by the Roman senate to order Antiochus IV Epiphanes to abstain from war, with his staff draws a circle around the monarch and asks him not to go beyond it before answering  


  • ancient history
  • Antiochus IV Epiphanes
  • asking
  • circle
  • classical antiquity
  • classical history
  • drawing
  • Greeks
  • ground
  • historical person
  • history
  • identity
  • king
  • Laenas (C. Popilius)
  • man
  • mythology
  • name
  • Romans
  • staff


  • 98B(LAENAS, C.P.)51


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