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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > classical history > male persons from classical history > male persons from classical history (with NAME) > (story of) Demosthenes > non-aggressive activities of Demosthenes > the clemency of Demosthenes: when Aeschines is banished to Rhodes, he runs after him and forces him to accept the money-bag

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

98B(DEMOSTHENES)52the clemency of Demosthenes: when Aeschines is banished to Rhodes, he runs after him and forces him to accept the money-bag  


  • Aeschines
  • ancient history
  • banishing
  • classical antiquity
  • classical history
  • clemency
  • Demosthenes
  • forcing
  • Greeks
  • historical person
  • history
  • identity
  • man
  • money-bag
  • mythology
  • name
  • orator
  • Rhodes
  • Romans




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