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94M331Theseus carried to the palace of the Nereids by dolphins; Thetis or Amphitrite gives him the ring and a jewelled crown  


  • Amphitrite
  • ancient history
  • bull
  • classical antiquity
  • crown
  • deed
  • disputing
  • dolphin
  • giving
  • Greek legend
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • history
  • jewels
  • jumping
  • king
  • legend
  • Minos (King)
  • Minotaur
  • monster
  • mythology
  • Nereids
  • palace
  • praying
  • ring
  • sea
  • swimming
  • Theseus
  • Thetis
  • thunder
  • thunderbolt


  • 94M331


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