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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > (story of) Hercules (Heracles) > aggressive, unfriendly activities and relationships of Hercules > Hercules in combat with heroes, gods, or fabulous beings > Hercules in combat with heroes, etc. (second series) > Eurytus and his sons are beaten by Hercules in a shooting contest, of which the prize was Iole, the king's daughter; but Eurytus refuses to give her to Hercules

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

94L4122Eurytus and his sons are beaten by Hercules in a shooting contest, of which the prize was Iole, the king's daughter; but Eurytus refuses to give her to Hercules  


  • aggression
  • ancient history
  • classical antiquity
  • contest
  • Eurytus (King)
  • fighting
  • gods
  • Greek legend
  • Hercules
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • history
  • Iole
  • king
  • legend
  • loser
  • mythology
  • prize
  • quarrelling
  • refusing (order, request)
  • shooting
  • single combat
  • unfriendliness


  • 94L4122


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