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Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > adventures of the Greeks after the fall of Troy: the return of other Greek heroes > the return of Menelaus after the fall of Troy > Menelaus (disguised in seal skins, as directed by Eidothea) falls upon Proteus who tries to avoid answering his questions by assuming different shapes

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

94K23Menelaus (disguised in seal skins, as directed by Eidothea) falls upon Proteus who tries to avoid answering his questions by assuming different shapes  


  • ancient history
  • answer
  • asking
  • classical antiquity
  • disguise
  • Eidothea
  • Greek legend
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • history
  • legend
  • Menelaus
  • mythology
  • Proteus
  • returning
  • seal (mammal)
  • transformation
  • wrestling


  • 94K23


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