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... > Classical Mythology and Ancient History > the Greek heroic legends (I) > the story of the Argonauts: the quest for the Golden Fleece > Jason back in Iolcus > Medea's vengeance on Pelias > Medea boils an old ram in a cauldron: a young lamb comes out; the daughters of Pelias watch the scene

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

94A631Medea boils an old ram in a cauldron: a young lamb comes out; the daughters of Pelias watch the scene  


  • ancient history
  • Argonaut
  • boiling
  • cauldron
  • classical antiquity
  • cycle
  • epic
  • Golden Fleece
  • Greek legend
  • hero
  • heroic legend
  • history
  • Iolcus
  • Jason
  • lamb
  • legend
  • Medea
  • mythology
  • Pelias
  • ram
  • rejuvenation
  • revenge
  • sailing
  • searching
  • ship


  • 94A631


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