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Angaben zum Begriff

... > Bible > New Testament > Passion of Christ > from Christ's deposition to his entombment (Matthew 27:58-66; Mark 15:46-47; Luke 23:53-56; John 19:39-42) > the mourning over the dead Christ > 'Pietà', 'Vesperbild', 'Marienklage' (no others present): Christ, either with or without crown of thorns, mourned by Mary

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

73D722'Pietà', 'Vesperbild', 'Marienklage' (no others present): Christ, either with or without crown of thorns, mourned by Mary  


  • bible
  • Christ
  • corpse
  • John 19
  • Luke 23
  • Marienklage
  • Mark 15
  • Mary (Virgin)
  • Matthew 27
  • mother
  • mother and son
  • mourning
  • New Testament
  • Passion of Christ
  • Pietà
  • son
  • Vesperbild


  • 73D722


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