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Angaben zum Begriff

... > Bible > Old Testament > the story of Esther > Esther's banquets, and Mordecai's triumph (Esther 5:5 - 7:10) > Esther's banquet > Haman begs Esther for his life > Haman begs Esther for his life - QQ - Mordecai present > as Haman is kneeling at Esther's feet or is prostrated on her couch King Ahasuerus returns; Haman is condemned to be hanged - QQ - Mordecai present
... > Bible > Old Testament > the story of Esther > Esther's banquets, and Mordecai's triumph (Esther 5:5 - 7:10) > Esther's banquet > Esther's banquet - QQ - Mordecai present > Haman begs Esther for his life - QQ - Mordecai present > as Haman is kneeling at Esther's feet or is prostrated on her couch King Ahasuerus returns; Haman is condemned to be hanged - QQ - Mordecai present

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71QQ7421as Haman is kneeling at Esther's feet or is prostrated on her couch King Ahasuerus returns; Haman is condemned to be hanged - QQ - Mordecai present  


  • Ahasuerus (King)
  • asking
  • banquet
  • bed
  • bible
  • couch
  • court
  • Esther
  • Esther 05
  • Esther 06
  • Esther 07
  • Haman
  • hanging by the neck
  • king
  • kneeling
  • Old Testament
  • prostration
  • verdict


  • 71QQ7421


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