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Angaben zum Begriff

... > Bible > Old Testament > the story of the prophet Daniel; his visions and prophecies > additions to the story of Daniel > the story of the image of Bel (Daniel 14:1-22) > the priests of Bel, with their wives and children, enter the temple through a hidden corridor and feast on the food during the night

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71P424the priests of Bel, with their wives and children, enter the temple through a hidden corridor and feast on the food during the night  


  • Bel
  • bible
  • child
  • corridor
  • Daniel
  • Daniel 14
  • family
  • idol
  • meal
  • night
  • Old Testament
  • priest
  • prophet
  • secrecy
  • temple


  • 71P424


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