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... > Bible > Old Testament > story of Elijah (Elias) > Elijah and the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:7-24) > Elijah fed by the widow of Zarephath > the miracle of the barrel of meal and the jar of oil: to reward the woman's charity Elijah has her store of meal and oil renewed as long as the famine prevails

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71M221the miracle of the barrel of meal and the jar of oil: to reward the woman's charity Elijah has her store of meal and oil renewed as long as the famine prevails  


  • barrel
  • bible
  • Elijah
  • flour
  • jar
  • Kings-1 17
  • meal
  • miracle
  • oil
  • Old Testament
  • prophet
  • rewarding
  • widow
  • Zarephath (widow of)


  • 71M221


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