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... > Bible > Old Testament > the time of the Judges > Judges 6-12 > the time of Jephthah ~ the book of Judges > the story of Jephthah's daughter (Judges 11:29-40) > Jephthah's daughter retreats to the mountains with her companions to bewail her virginity

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71F2454Jephthah's daughter retreats to the mountains with her companions to bewail her virginity  


  • bible
  • companion
  • daughter
  • father
  • father and daughter
  • Israelites
  • Jephthah
  • Jephthah's daughter
  • judge
  • Judges
  • Judges 06-12
  • Judges 11
  • lamenting
  • mountain
  • Old Testament
  • solitude
  • virginity


  • 71F2454


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