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Angaben zum Begriff

... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > female saints > female saints (with NAME) > Cunegunda of Bamberg, wife of Henry II, king of Germany; possible attributes: crown, model of church, ploughshare, sceptre > martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of St. Cunegunda > the trial by ordeal of St. Cunegunda: accused of marital infidelity, she walks over red-hot ploughshares unharmed; usually her husband King Henry II present
... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > female saints > female saints (with NAME) > Cunegunda of Bamberg, wife of Henry II, king of Germany; possible attributes: crown, model of church, ploughshare, sceptre > martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of St. Cunegunda > the trial by ordeal of St. Cunegunda: accused of marital infidelity, she walks over red-hot ploughshares unharmed; usually her husband King Henry II present

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11HH(CUNEGUNDA)61the trial by ordeal of St. Cunegunda: accused of marital infidelity, she walks over red-hot ploughshares unharmed; usually her husband King Henry II present  


  • Christian religion
  • church
  • crown
  • Cunegunda (St.)
  • fidelity
  • heat
  • Henry of Bamberg (St.)
  • infidelity
  • king
  • model
  • ordeal
  • ploughshares
  • queen
  • religion
  • saint
  • sceptre
  • supernatural
  • trial
  • unharmed
  • woman




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