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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > the bishop of Paris, Denis (Dionysius); possible attributes: chains, (upper part of) head in hands > miraculous activities and events ~ St. Denis > St. Denis, accompanied by two angels, walking with his severed head (or only top of it) in his hands from Montmartre to his sepulchre (Denis as 'cephalophore')

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11H(DENIS)51St. Denis, accompanied by two angels, walking with his severed head (or only top of it) in his hands from Montmartre to his sepulchre (Denis as 'cephalophore')  


  • accompanying
  • angel
  • bishop
  • cephalophore
  • chain
  • Christian religion
  • Denis (St.)
  • head
  • martyr
  • Montmartre
  • religion
  • saint
  • supernatural
  • walking


  • 11H(DENIS)51


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