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... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > the shoemakers and martyrs Crispin and Crispinian; possible attributes: awl, shoemaker's tools, last, millstone, shoe > martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of St. Crispin & Crispinian > St. Crispin and Crispinian are put in a cauldron of boiling oil, or lead is poured into their mouths; sometimes a drop of lead blinds the executioner or the heathen ruler

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

11H(CRISPIN & CRISPINIAN)63St. Crispin and Crispinian are put in a cauldron of boiling oil, or lead is poured into their mouths; sometimes a drop of lead blinds the executioner or the heathen ruler  


  • awl
  • blindness
  • boiling
  • brother
  • cauldron
  • Christian religion
  • Crispinian (St.)
  • Crispin (St.)
  • executioner
  • heat
  • heathen ruler
  • last
  • lead
  • martyr
  • melting
  • millstone
  • mouth
  • oil
  • pouring
  • religion
  • saint
  • shoe
  • shoemaker
  • supernatural
  • throat
  • tool




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