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... > Raamattu > Vanha Testamentti > kertomus Saulista > Saul chosen as king (1 Samuel 9-12) > Jabesh-gilead besieged by Nahash and liberated by Saul > Saul, coming from the field with his herd and hearing the tidings, gets angry, cuts two oxen in pieces and sends messengers to bring the pieces throughout the country

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71G123Saul, coming from the field with his herd and hearing the tidings, gets angry, cuts two oxen in pieces and sends messengers to bring the pieces throughout the country  


  • härkä
  • Jabes-Gilead
  • karjapaimen
  • lähetti
  • nautakarja
  • paimen
  • paloiksi leikkaaminen
  • paloittelu
  • raamattu
  • Samuelin kirja-1 09-12
  • sanansaattaja
  • sananviejä
  • Saul
  • suuttumus
  • Vanha testamentti
  • viha


  • 71G123


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