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Classical Mythology and Ancient History > metamorphoses ~ classical mythology > metamorphoses of female persons into birds > metamorphoses of female persons into birds (first series) > Arne changed into a daw: for receiving gold as the price for betraying her fatherland to Minos, Arne is changed into a daw (Ovid, Metamorphoses VII 464)

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

97DD16Arne changed into a daw: for receiving gold as the price for betraying her fatherland to Minos, Arne is changed into a daw (Ovid, Metamorphoses VII 464)  


  • ancient history
  • animal
  • Arne
  • betraying
  • bird
  • classical antiquity
  • country
  • gold
  • history
  • jackdaw
  • man
  • metamorphosis
  • Minos (King)
  • mythology
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses 07
  • transformation
  • treason


  • 97DD16


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