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Classical Mythology and Ancient History > metamorphoses ~ classical mythology > metamorphoses of male persons into mammals > Midas given ass's ears: Apollo gives Midas ass's ears as punishment for preferring Pan in the musical contest between Apollo and Pan (Ovid, Metamorphoses XI 174) > Midas' barber, unable to keep the secret of Midas' ass's ears, whispers it into a hole in the ground; reeds grow from this hole and disclose Midas' secret to all the world when moved by the wind

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

97C61Midas' barber, unable to keep the secret of Midas' ass's ears, whispers it into a hole in the ground; reeds grow from this hole and disclose Midas' secret to all the world when moved by the wind  


  • ancient history
  • animal
  • Apollo
  • ass's ears
  • barber
  • classical antiquity
  • history
  • king
  • mammal
  • man
  • metamorphosis
  • Midas (King)
  • mythology
  • Ovid, Metamorphoses 11
  • reed
  • secret
  • speaking
  • transformation
  • whispering
  • wind


  • 97C61


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