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Angaben zum Begriff

... > Bible > New Testament > lives and acts of the apostles of Christ; epistles > lives and acts of the apostles (part I) > life and acts of James the Great (the Elder) > narrations ~ James the Elder after his death > James and the pilgrim family > the parents of the young pilgrim tell the story to the judge; when he does not believe them, roasted chickens on the table come to life and fly away

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

73F24534the parents of the young pilgrim tell the story to the judge; when he does not believe them, roasted chickens on the table come to life and fly away  


  • Acts
  • animating
  • apostle
  • bible
  • chicken
  • flying
  • fowl
  • hen
  • James the Great (St.)
  • judge
  • meal
  • New Testament
  • parents
  • pilgrim
  • post-mortem


  • 73F24534


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