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... > Bible > Old Testament > division of the Kingdom, and story of Israel, the Northern Kingdom > story of the kingdom and kings of Israel (part I) > story of Zimri, king of Israel (1 Kings 16:11-20) > Omri, Elah's army commander, attacks Zimri in the city of Tirzah; when Zimri sees that the city has fallen he sets the palace on fire and dies in the flames

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71K252Omri, Elah's army commander, attacks Zimri in the city of Tirzah; when Zimri sees that the city has fallen he sets the palace on fire and dies in the flames  


  • attacking
  • bible
  • burning alive
  • commander
  • Israel
  • king
  • kingdom
  • Kings-1 16
  • Old Testament
  • Omri (King)
  • palace
  • setting on fire
  • suicide
  • Tirzah
  • Zimri (King)


  • 71K252


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