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... > Bible > Old Testament > the time of the Judges > Judges 1-5 > the time of Ehud; story of Ehud and Eglon (Judges 3:15-30) > Ehud calls the Israelites to battle > the Moabites are defeated by Ehud and his army near the fords of the river Jordan

Bevorzugte Bezeichnung

71F1381the Moabites are defeated by Ehud and his army near the fords of the river Jordan  


  • battle
  • bible
  • defeat
  • Eglon (King)
  • Ehud
  • ford
  • Israelites
  • Jordan (river)
  • judge
  • Judges
  • Judges 01-05
  • Judges 03
  • Moabites
  • Old Testament
  • preparation (battle, war)
  • river


  • 71F1381


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