Suche im Vokabular

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46C1313equestrian statue  


  • animal
  • Baltazar Carlos
  • Bamberg rider
  • Charlemagne
  • Charles I
  • Charles V
  • civilization
  • Colleoni
  • Constantine the Great (St.)
  • culture
  • Curtius (Marcus)
  • emperor
  • equestrian
  • Ferdinand II
  • Frederick the Great
  • Gattamelata
  • hoofed animal
  • king
  • land
  • Louis XIV
  • Louis XV
  • Magdeburg rider
  • Marcus Aurelius (Emperor)
  • Maximilian (Emperor)
  • Napoleon
  • pack-animal
  • Peter the Great
  • Philips IV
  • riding (on horseback)
  • Rudolf II
  • society
  • Stanislas Kostka Potocki
  • statue
  • Theodoric
  • traffic
  • transporting
  • Wellington (Duke of)


  • 46C1313

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