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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- L. Junius Brutus has his two sons beheaded because they joined a conspiracy
- laakso
- laakso - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- Laban agrees to give Jacob all the black and spotted sheep and goats as wages
- Laban comes to meet Jacob at the well and brings him to his house
- Laban is told of Jacob's flight and sets off in pursuit with his men
- Laban pursues Jacob (Genesis 31:22-55)
- Laban searches the tents and belongings of Jacob to find the teraphim
- Laban, Rebekah's brother, comes to Eliezer at the well ~ Eliezer seeking a wife for Isaac
- labarum, i.e. imperial standard bearing the christogram IHS
- laboratorio
- laboratory apparatus and equipment
- laboratory, research room
- Labour
- Labour - AA - naiset
- labourer refusing payment
- labourer refusing payment - AA - naiset
- labourers going to work
- labourers going to work - AA - naiset
- labourers returning home
- labourers returning home - AA - naiset
- labyrinth, maze ~ garden
- labyrinth, maze ~ magic mathematical figures
- Lachesis, yleensä kehrän kanssa
- lacing up a corset
- lacing up a corset - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Lack of Imagination, Inflexibility
- Lack of Self-confidence; 'Viltà' (Ripa)
- Lack of Self-knowledge
- Lack of Talent
- lack of water in Bethuliah; the people complain to the elders
- Lack, Deficiency
- lackey and other lower personnel at court
- lackey and other lower personnel at court - BB - naishallitsija
- lacquering ~ applied arts
- lacrosse
- ladder
- ladder of Virtues
- ladder, stairway to heaven
- Ladon, satapäinen lohikäärme
- Lady Godiva
- Lady Macbeth
- Lady of Vergi
- Laelaps changed into stone: when Cephalus' dog, Laelaps, pursues the beast that plagued Thebes, they both turn into stone
- Laelaps turns into stone as he helps Amphitryon to catch the Teumessian fox, which also petrifies
- Lafontainen faabelit (NIMEN kanssa) : Käytä 85(...)
- Lafontainen faabelit : Käytä 85(...)
- lahti
- lahti (NIMEN kanssa)
- lahti (NIMEN kanssa) - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- lahti - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- laiduntaminen, paimen, paimentyttö, karjapaimen
- lain symbolit ja allegoriat; 'Legge civile' (Ripa)
- Laios ja Iokaste
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru)
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - attribuutit
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - kuolema
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - lapsuus
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - syntymä
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - varhaisnuoruus
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Laios, Oidipuksen isä (Laioksen taru) - voitto
- laiskuri
- laituri, aallonmurtaja
- laiva (yleensä)
- laiva (yleensä) - CC - laivat (yleensä) (useampi kuin yksi laiva)
- laiva satamassa
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat (NIMEN kanssa)
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat (NIMEN kanssa) - CC - laivat (yleensä) (useampi kuin yksi laiva)
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat - CC - laivat (yleensä) (useampi kuin yksi laiva)
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat: ankkuri
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat: ankkuri - CC - laivat (yleensä) (useampi kuin yksi laiva)
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat: masto
- laivan ulkopuoliset osat: masto - CC - laivat (yleensä) (useampi kuin yksi laiva)
- laivanrakennus, rakenteilla oleva laiva
- laivanrakennusteollisuus
- lake-dwelling, pile-dwelling
- lake-dwelling, pile-dwelling - AA - rakennukset: sisäpuoli
- laki ja oikeudenkäyttö
- lakko (poliittinen mielenosoitus)
- lamb bearing cross or banner, 'Agnus Dei' ~ symbol of Christ
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - baptism, consecration, taking vows of male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - beatification, canonization of male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - early life of male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - erityispiirteet ~ miespuolinen pyhimys
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - finding, transportation of relics of male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - male saint as founder of Order
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - male saint meditating, in ecstasy
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - male saint protecting devotees with cloak, 'Schutzmantel'
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - male saint writing, studying, teaching, dictating (e.g. as Doctor of the Church)
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - male saint ~ confirmation of Order, approval of Rule(s)
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - miespuolinen pyhimys osana ryhmää
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - miespuolinen pyhimys suojelijana, puolustajana
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - miespuolisen pyhimyksen katumusharjoitukset
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - miespuolisen pyhimyksen kiusaukset
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - miespuolisen pyhimyksen näyt
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - miracles occurring during handling of relics of male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - non-miraculous activities and events ~ male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - portrait of male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - post-mortem occurrences ~ male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - posthumous deeds, appearances of male saints
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - pyhimyksen henkilökohtainen pyhittäytyminen Jumalalle (rukoilu ym.)
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - renouncing worldly goods, ascetic life of male saint
- Lambert(us), martyr bishop of Maastricht and patron of Liège; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cloth with flames, lance, nobleman under crozier, rationale, sword, two armed men under feet - vocation, conversion of male saint
- lambrequin ~ ornament
- lambrequin ~ ornament - AA - stylized
- Lamech confesses to his wives, Adah and Zillah, that he has killed an old man and a young man (Cain and Tubalcain)
- Lamech is rebuked or beaten by his wives
- Lamech kills Cain: Cain is accidentally shot dead by an arrow of the blind Lamech, who is assisted in the hunt by his son Tubalcain
- lament over the fall of Babylon
- lamentation and burial of John the Baptist
- lamentation over the dead Christ by his relatives and friends (Christ usually without crown of thorns)
- Lamentation; 'Querela a Dio' (Ripa)
- Lamia(e), Hekaten jälkeläinen
- lammas
- lamppua pitelevä Psykhe katselee nukkuvaa Amoria (Kupido, Eros), joka herää kun tippa kuumaa öljyä roiskahtaa lampusta hänen päälleen
- lance ~ instruments of the Passion
- lance, spear (symbol of sovereignty)
- lance, spear (symbol of sovereignty) - BB - naishallitsija
- Lancelot
- Land of Cockaigne
- land parcelling
- land registry
- land-clearing, reclamation
- land-mines, mine-field
- landscape symbolizing April
- landscape symbolizing August
- landscape symbolizing December
- landscape symbolizing February
- landscape symbolizing January
- landscape symbolizing July
- landscape symbolizing June
- landscape symbolizing March
- landscape symbolizing May
- landscape symbolizing November
- landscape symbolizing October
- landscape symbolizing September
- landscape with menhir
- landscape with menhir - II - ideal landscapes
- landscapes in polar regions
- landscapes in polar regions - KK - ideal landscapes
- landscapes in the non-temperate zone, exotic landscapes
- landscapes in the non-temperate zone, exotic landscapes - KK - ideal landscapes
- landscapes in the temperate zone
- landscapes in the temperate zone - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- landscapes in tropical and sub-tropical regions
- landscapes in tropical and sub-tropical regions - KK - ideal landscapes
- landslide
- landslide - HH - ideaalimaisema, ihanteellinen maisema
- lane, alley
- lane, alley - II - ideal city
- language of flowers
- language of flowers - GG - fantastic plants, fabulous vegetation
- lantern
- Laocoon and his twin sons are strangled by two serpents during the preparations for a sacrifice
- Laocoon, the priest, tries to dissuade the Trojans from bringing the horse inside the walls, and hurls a spear at it
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru)
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - attribuutit
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - lapsuus
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - syntymä
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - varhaisnuoruus
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Laodamia (Laodamian taru) - voitto
- Laodamia ja Protesilaus
- Laodamian rakkausjutut
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru)
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - attribuutit
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - kuolema
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - lapsuus
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - rakkausjutut, lemmenseikkailut
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - syntymä
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - varhaisnuoruus
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Laomedon (Laomedonin taru) - voitto
- Laomedon refuses to reward the gods
- lapidary
- lapithien ja kentaurien taistelu Peirithoosin ja Hippodamian häissä
- lapithien ja kentaurien taistelu Peirithoosin ja Hippodamian häissä - LL - naiskentaurit (yleensä)
- lapsenlapset (perheen toisen asteen sukulaissuhteet)
- lapset (perheen ensimmäisen asteen sukulaissuhteet)
- lapsi
- lapsi (kotona)
- lapsi (kotona) - AA - tyttö
- lapsi ja leikkikalut
- lapsi tai nuori jättää vanhempansa, lähtee kotoa maailmalle
- lapsivuode, syntymä
- Lara, Larunda, Dea Muta
- Lares (Roman house gods)
- large-scale structure for storage, e.g.: warehouse, depot, silo
- Largeness, Magnitude
- Lars Porsen(n)a before the gates of Rome
- Larvae, Lemures (Roman spirits of the dead)
- Lasaruksen kuolleista herättäminen; Jeesus herättää Lasaruksen ('Lasarus, tule ulos')
- lashing, binding (industrial processes)
- lasi olutta
- lasi, ikkunalasi ~ rakennusmateriaali
- lasiastiat: pullo, juomalasi, tuoppi, ruukku, vaasi jne.
- lasinpuhaltaja
- lasiteollisuus
- laskiainen, laskiaiskarnevaali (ei-liturgisena juhlana)
- last (shoe-maker's tool)
- Last Communion of Bonaventura: the wafer (host) enters his breast instead of his mouth
- last communion, administering of the Holy Viaticum
- last deeds of Turnus
- last hours before execution
- last instructions of the dying Camilla to her friend Acca
- Last Judgement (as one of the Four Last Things)
- last talk with relatives (during last hours before execution)
- last words and last favours, nuncupate
- lasten bakkanaali
- lasten pelit ja leikit
- latch
- latch - AA - feigned door, sham-door
- Lateness
- later life and death of Abraham (Genesis 25:1-11)
- later life of Anna
- later life of Cain
- later life of Joachim
- later life of the three Wise Men
- later years of Joseph (Genesis 50:15-26)
- Latinus consults the oracle of Faunus
- latitude
- latitude and longitude
- Latiumin taistelu (I): troijalaisten leirin piiritys ja Aeneaksen paluu
- Latiumin taistelu (II): levähdystauko ja uusi taistelu (Vergilius, Aeneis XI); Turnuksen viimeiset uroteot (Vergilius, Aeneis XII)
- lato, talli, navetta jne.
- lato, talli, navetta jne. - AA - rakennukset: sisäpuoli
- Latona (Leto)
- Latona entreats her children Apollo and Diana to punish Niobe
- lauds ~ offices of the Day
- laughing
- laukku, käsilaukku
- laukku, käsilaukku (NIMEN kanssa)
Informationen zum Vokabular
Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world.
Contains information from Iconclass, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).
Letzte Änderung
tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00