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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- Jaakob ja enkeli (Genesis 32:24-32)
- Jaakob repäisee vaatteensa tunnistaessaan viitan
- Jaakobin tikapuut (yksinään)
- Jaakobin uni: nukkuessaan maassa kivi tyynynään Jaakob näkee unen tikapuista, jotka ulottuvat maasta taivaaseen ja joita pitkin enkelit kulkevat ylös ja alas; yleensä Jumala tikapuiden yläpäässä
- Jabal (not in biblical context)
- Jabal (not in biblical context) - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects of male persons from the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Jabal (not in biblical context) - founder, initiator ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Jabal (not in biblical context) - legendary/historical addition to life-story of male persons from the Old Testament
- Jabal (not in biblical context) - patron, intercessor ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Jabal (not in biblical context) - personal devotions of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. vision, prayer, penitence
- Jabal (not in biblical context) - post-mortem occurrences of male persons from the Old Testament, e.g. finding and transportation of relics
- Jabal, with Jubal and Tubalcain
- Jabesh-gilead besieged by Nahash and liberated by Saul
- Jacob and Esau are reconciled (Genesis 33)
- Jacob and Esau parting; Esau moves with all his possessions to Edom
- Jacob and his family go to Egypt (Genesis 46:1-27)
- Jacob and his family in Egypt (Genesis 46:28-34, 47:1-12)
- Jacob and his sons settle in the land of Goshen
- Jacob and Laban make an alliance: a pile of stone is erected and an animal is sacrificed
- Jacob and Laban parting
- Jacob asks Laban's permission to marry Rachel
- Jacob at Bethel (Genesis 28:11-22)
- Jacob at Succoth where he builds a house
- Jacob at the well of Haran (Genesis 29:1-13)
- Jacob awakes, anoints the stone and names the place Bethel
- Jacob becomes very rich
- Jacob blesses his sons
- Jacob blesses Joseph
- Jacob blesses Manasseh and Ephraim with arms crossed; Joseph may be shown trying to uncross them or expressing (with Asenath) his disapproval
- Jacob blesses Manasseh and Ephraim with arms uncrossed
- Jacob blessing Judah: 'Judah is a lion's whelp'
- Jacob bows to the ground
- Jacob bringing the goats to his mother
- Jacob builds an altar
- Jacob buys the field from Hamor's sons for hundred pieces of silver
- Jacob communicating with God (in general)
- Jacob cursing Simeon and Levi
- Jacob divides his people and the animals in two groups and sends some cattle on as a present to Esau
- Jacob gives Joseph a coat of many colours
- Jacob hears that corn is being sold in Egypt
- Jacob informing his wives Leah and Rachel of the departure
- Jacob is accused by Laban's sons
- Jacob is buried in the cave of Machpelah
- Jacob is met by angels at Mahanaim
- Jacob is overtaken (by Laban)
- Jacob is presented to Pharaoh by Joseph
- Jacob is told of Joseph's position
- Jacob kisses Rachel and is moved to tears
- Jacob leaves the house; Esau marries again (Genesis 28:1-10)
- Jacob leaves the room ~ story of Isaac's blessing
- Jacob meditating upon Joseph's dreams
- Jacob meets the shepherds of Haran and their flocks of sheep lying round the well
- Jacob moves the stone which covers the opening of the well and waters Rachel's sheep
- Jacob moves to the tower of Eder, and then to Hebron
- Jacob names the place Peniel
- Jacob offering a sacrifice at Beersheba
- Jacob on the way to Canaan with his family, his flocks, camels and all his possessions
- Jacob prays to God to save him from Esau
- Jacob prepares to meet Esau (Genesis 32:1-23)
- Jacob purges his house of idols
- Jacob puts peeled rods in the animals' drinking troughs to make the beasts bear spotted young
- Jacob rebuking Joseph for his dreams
- Jacob receives a new name, Israel, and is blessed by the angel
- Jacob refuses to have Benjamin taken to Egypt in spite of Reuben's exhortation
- Jacob reproving his sons
- Jacob requesting Rachel after the seven years
- Jacob sees Rachel coming to the well to water Laban's sheep
- Jacob sends his family and caravan across the river Jabbok, and stays behind
- Jacob sends his ten sons to Egypt to buy corn, keeping the youngest, Benjamin, at home
- Jacob sends Joseph to his brothers, who are taking care of their father's flock at Shechem
- Jacob serving Laban for Rachel and Leah (Genesis 29:14-30)
- Jacob sets up a pillar at Bethel; Jacob consecrates it by pouring oil on it
- Jacob sets up his camp in a field near the city of Shechem
- Jacob threatened by Esau
- Jacob vows exclusive worship to God
- Jacob with his family, livestock and possessions sets out for Egypt with the wagons
- Jacob works as a herdsman for seven years in exchange for Rachel
- Jacob works for Laban seven more years
- Jacob wrestles with the angel (or man) till daybreak; Jacob's thigh is put out of joint
- Jacob's children (Genesis 29:31 - 30:24)
- Jacob's daughter Dinah defiled (Genesis 34)
- Jacob's death (Genesis 49:33, 50:1-14)
- Jacob's farewell
- Jacob's farewell to Benjamin
- Jacob's flight from Laban (Genesis 31:1-21)
- Jacob's journey
- Jacob's journey to Haran
- Jacob's last days (Genesis 47:27 - 49:32)
- Jacob's staff (surveying instrument)
- Jacob's stay at Bethel (Genesis 35:1-15)
- Jacob's vision: God appears to him at night and sanctions his journey to Egypt
- Jacob's visit to Isaac ~ death of Isaac
- Jacob's wives and children are introduced to Esau
- Jaddus, the high priest of Jerusalem, appears in a dream to Alexander
- Jael (one of the nine worthiest women)
- Jael kills the sleeping Sisera by hitting the nail through his temples
- Jael takes a nail of the tent and a hammer
- Jahaziel, the Levite, encourages Jehoshaphat to fight the invaders
- Jair's thirty sons who rode on thirty ass colts, and had thirty cities
- jakautunut valtakunta: kertomus eteläisestä kuningaskunnasta (Juuda)
- jako yhteiskuntaluokkiin (~ yhteiskunta)
- jalka, jalat
- jalka, jalat - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- jalkahoito, pedikyyri
- jalkahoito, pedikyyri - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- jalkojen asennot
- jalkojen asennot - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- jalokivi, korukivi
- jalokiviä halvempiarvoisemmat, tavalliset kivilajit
- jalokiviä halvempiarvoisemmat, tavalliset kivilajit (NIMEN kanssa)
- jalokiviä halvempiarvoisemmat, tavalliset kivilajit: marmori
- jalokiviä halvempiarvoisemmat, tavalliset kivilajit: piikivi
- jalostetut hedelmät, eli hillo, marmelaadi, jne.
- Jalous, Ylevyys; 'Nobiltà' (Ripa)
- jalusta (~ pylväs, pilari)
- James and John taking leave of their father
- James and the pilgrim family
- James appears to Charlemagne
- James arrested and brought before Herod
- James as Moor-slayer ('Matamoros'): on the battle-field of Clavijo he appears on a white horse
- James helping pilgrims
- James is cast from a pulpit while preaching
- James is stoned, or beaten to death (with a fuller's club)
- James leading the community in Jerusalem as their first bishop
- James liberating an innocent merchant from prison
- James preaching
- James preaching to Indians
- James receives the communion or a meal from Christ
- James supports the young pilgrim's feet; he is still alive when his companions return from Santiago
- James thrown from the roof of a temple in Jerusalem
- January - April (year divided into three seasons)
- January - April ~ human activities (year divided into three seasons)
- January - April ~ landscapes (year divided into three seasons)
- January - April ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (year divided into three seasons)
- January - April ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (year divided into three seasons)
- January 1 (~ festivities)
- January and February (year divided into six seasons)
- January and February ~ human activities (year divided into six seasons)
- January and February ~ landscapes (year divided into six seasons)
- January and February ~ other concepts (e.g. biblical scenes) (year divided into six seasons)
- January and February ~ still lifes of flowers and/or fruits (year divided into six seasons)
- January and its 'labours'
- January represented by still life of flowers and/or fruits
- January ~ other concepts
- January; 'Gennaro' (Ripa)
- Januksen attribuutit
- Januksen attribuutit (NIMEN kanssa)
- Januksen ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Januksen lemmenseikkailut
- Januksen pää, kaksikasvoinen pää
- Janus (Januksen taru)
- Janus (Januksen taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Janus (Januksen taru) - apoteoosi, ylistys, palvonta
- Janus (Januksen taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Janus (Januksen taru) - jälkeläiset, kumppani(t), seuraajat jne.
- Janus (Januksen taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Janus (Januksen taru) - kuolema
- Janus (Januksen taru) - kärsimys, epäonni, onnettomuus
- Janus (Januksen taru) - lapsuus
- Janus (Januksen taru) - syntymä
- Janus (Januksen taru) - varhaisnuoruus
- Janus (Januksen taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Janus (Januksen taru) - voitto
- Janus ottaa Saturnuksen vieraanvaraisesti vastaan
- Janus wooing Juturna
- Janus wooing Venilia
- Japanese
- jar, jug (used as drinking-vessel)
- Jashobeam the Hachmonite kills eight hundred (or three hundred) enemies
- Jason (Iason), Aesonin poika Iolchoksesta
- Jason (Jasonin taru)
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - aggressiiviset, vihamieliset toimet ja suhteet
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - attribuutit
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - ei-aggressiiviset, ystävälliset tai neutraalit toimet ja suhteet
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - erityispiirteet, allegoriset piirteet, esiintyminen suojelijan ominaisuudessa
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - keskeiset uroteot
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - rakkausjutut, lemmenseikkailut
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - veneration, honoured by
- Jason (Jasonin taru) - voitto
- Jason and Hypsipyle
- Jason and Medea at the altar of Hecate (or Diana): Medea gives him a magic herb or ointment
- Jason and Medea purified from the murder of Apsyrtus by Circe
- Jason and the Argonauts meeting Aeetes, king of Colchis
- Jason back in Iolcus
- Jason becomes king of Corinth
- Jason before his uncle Pelias, wearing only one sandal
- Jason hitches the fire-breathing bulls to the plough
- Jason on his way to Iolcus carries Juno, disguised as an old woman, across the river and loses a sandal
- Jason ploughs all day
- Jason's mother, pretending the child is still-born, smuggles him out of the city to Chiron
- Jason, tyrant of Pherae, is healed from his incurable abscess by an enemy soldier, who shoots right into the swelling
- Jasonin ja Medeian häät; Kultainen Talja on levitetty vuoteelle
- Jasonin ja Medeian kohtaaminen: Medeia rakastuu Jasoniin ensisilmäyksellä, mahdollisesti Kupidon ampuessa nuolen Medeiaan
- javelin-throwing
- jaw (human)
- jaw (human) - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - apotheosis, glory, triumph of female saint
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - beatification, canonization of female saint
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - early life of female saint
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - finding, transportation of relics of female saint
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - miracles occurring during handling of relics of female saint
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - naispuolinen pyhimys osana ryhmää
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - naispuolisen pyhimykseen liittyvät ihmeet
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - naispuolisen pyhimyksen stigmatisaatio
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - portrait of female saint
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - post-mortem occurrences of female saint
- Jeanne d'Arc; mahdolliset attribuutit: sotavarukset, sotalippu, peitsi, miekka - posthumous deeds, appearances of female saints
- Jeesus tuodaan temppeliin; Kristuksen esittely temppelissä, Simeon (ja Hanna) yleensä läsnä (Luuk. 2:22-39)
- Jeesus-lapsi (attribuuttien kanssa)
- Jeesus-lapsi kärsimysnäytelmän välineet ympärillään
- Jeesus-lapsi ~ kärsimysnäytelmä, 'Schmerzenskind'
- Jehohahaz is taken prisoner by King Necho II and brought to Egypt
- Jehoiachin becomes king
- Jehoiada gathers a group of soldiers, presents Joash to them and persuades them to swear allegiance to him
- Jehoiakim burns Jeremiah's scroll
- Jehoiakim is captured and taken to Babylonia in chains
- Jehoram and his officers are surrounded by the Edomite army but during the night they manage to break out and escape
- Jehoram and his officers set out and invade Edom
- Jehoram becomes king of Judah
- Jehoram goes to Jezreel to recover from his wounds and is visited there by Ahaziah of Judah
- Jehoram has all his brothers slain
- Jehoram marries Athalia, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel of Israel, and allows the Judaean people to worship idols
- Jehoram's attendant expresses doubt
- Jehoram, struck with a disease of the intestines, dies in agony
- Jehoshaphat establishing his kingdom
- Jehoshaphat joins Ahaziah of Israel in the construction of a fleet at Ezion-gaber
- Jehoshaphat prays to God for guidance
- Jehoshaphat receives tribute from the surrounding kings
- Jehoshaphat sends priests to teach the law throughout his kingdom
- Jehoshaphat suppresses, like his father Asa, idolatrous worship
- Jehoshaphat's other military and religious reforms
- Jehu drives his horses over Jezebel's body
- Jehu maintains the worship of the golden calves
- Jehu meets Jehonadab who promises to support him
- Jehu orders Jehoram's body to be thrown in the field that belonged to Naboth
- Jehu plots Jehoram's death with his fellow-officers
- Jehu pretending to want to offer a great sacrifice to Baal, has the prophets of Baal, his worshippers and priests called together
- Jehu's further reign
- Jephthah and the Gileadites defeat the Ephraimites (Judges 12:1-6)
- Jephthah becomes captain of the Gileadites (Judges 11:4-11)
- Jephthah returns home with the elders of Gilead and is made commander of the Gileadites
- Jephthah sends messengers to the king of the Ammonites in an attempt to make a treaty (Judges 11:12-28)
- Jephthah's daughter dances with tambourines to meet her father on his return from the battle; Jephthah rends his clothes in despair
- Jephthah's daughter retreats to the mountains with her companions to bewail her virginity
- Jephthah, son of Gilead, is cast out by his brothers because he is the son of a harlot (Judges 11:1-3)
- Jeremia (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, 'kiehuva pata'
- Jeremia (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, 'kiehuva pata' - (other) specific aspects, e.g. allegorical and symbolical aspects of male persons from the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Jeremia (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, 'kiehuva pata' - founder, initiator ~ the Old Testament (not in biblical context)
- Jeremia (ei raamatullisessa yhteydessä); mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja tai kirjakäärö, 'kiehuva pata' - legendary/historical addition to life-story of male persons from the Old Testament
Informationen zum Vokabular
Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world.
Contains information from Iconclass, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).
Letzte Änderung
tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00