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Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- "Galaktotrophousa", Jeesus-lasta imettävä madonna
- "Galaktotrophousa", Jeesus-lasta imettävä madonna - FF - the Christ-child to Mary's right
- "Hodegetria", Jumalan äiti tiennäyttäjä
- "Immaculata", "Purisima": Neitsyt Maria seisomassa tavallisesti kuunsirpillä, laskeutumassa taivaasta (polkien toisinaan käärmettä jalallaan)
- "Majestas Domini": Kristus istumassa mandorlassa sateenkaaren tai taivaankannen päällä lähellään usein (evankelistoja symboloiva) tetramorfi
- "Majestas Domini": Kristus istumassa mandorlassa sateenkaaren tai taivaankannen päällä lähellään usein (evankelistoja symboloiva) tetramorfi - DD - Christ beardless
- "Natura" (allegorinen hahmo tai näkymä; tai allegoria monirintaisen Efesoksen Dianan hahmossa); "Natura" (Ripa)
- "Sapientia" ja Seitsemän hyvettä, eli Kolme teologista ja Neljä kardinaalihyvettä
- '... break the heads of the dragons on the waters'
- '... break the heads of the dragons on the waters' - the book of Psalms ~ non-biblical Christian motifs
- '... break the heads of the dragons on the waters' - the book of Psalms ~ other scenes
- '... break the heads of the dragons on the waters' - the book of Psalms ~ scenes from the Old Testament
- '... break the heads of the dragons on the waters' ~ baptism of Christ
- '... every plant, which my heavenly Father has not planted, will be rooted up' ~ proverbial saying of Christ (Matthew 15:13)
- '... my yoke is easy, and my burden is light' ~ sayings of Christ (Matthew 11:30)
- '... no prophet is to rise from Galilee' ~ Pharisees and Saducees opposing Christ
- '... that your alms may be in secret' ~ doctrine of Christ on possessions (Matthew 6:4)
- '... the little foxes that spoil the vines ...' (Song of Solomon 2:15)
- ' one knows the Son except the Father...' ~ sayings of Christ (Matthew 11:27)
- 'a city set on a hill cannot be hid' ~ proverbial saying of Christ (Matthew 5:14)
- 'a generation goes and a generation comes ...' ~ the three ages of man
- 'a man of God' from Judah comes to Bethel and prophesies to Jeroboam the destruction of the altar
- 'ablactatio'; Christ not drinking, Mary's breast bare ~ Madonna-representations
- 'Accipies'-woodcut, 'accipies tanti doctoris dogmata sacra'
- 'Acephalia', 'Blemyae', i.e. beings without head
- 'Acephalia', 'Blemyae', i.e. beings without head - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- 'Acheiroi', i.e. creatures without hands
- 'Acheiroi', i.e. creatures without hands - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- 'Acqua', 'Carro dell'acqua' (Ripa)
- 'Acquisto cattivo' (Ripa)
- 'Adottione' (Ripa)
- 'Adulterio' (Ripa)
- 'Aehrenkleidmaria' (sometimes with Christ-child)
- 'agent provocateur'
- 'Ajuto', 'Soccorso' (Ripa)
- 'album amicorum', 'Stammbuch'
- 'all these will I give you' (= the glory of the world) ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness
- 'All we like sheep have gone astray' ~ Isaiah's prophecies (Isaiah 53:6)
- 'Allegrezza d'amore' (Ripa)
- 'alone at last'
- 'Altimetria' (Ripa)
- 'Amor della patria' (Ripa)
- 'amphisbaena' (snake with head at both ends)
- 'and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors' ~ the Lord's prayer
- 'and lead us not into temptation' ~ the Lord's prayer
- 'and the glory, for ever' ~ the Lord's prayer
- 'and the power' ~ the Lord's prayer
- 'Anna selbdritt' with Anna's three daughters and their seven children
- 'Anna selbdritt' with Anna's three husbands and sometimes also Joseph present
- 'Anna selbdritt' with Joseph and Joachim present
- 'Anna selbdritt' with Joseph present
- 'Anna Selbdritt' ~ Christ-child playing, or treading on a snake
- 'Anna selbviert' (Emerentia, Anna, Mary, Christ-child)
- 'Annus', personification of the year; 'Anno', 'Carro dell'anno' (Ripa)
- 'antalops' (fabulous reindeer)
- 'ante legem'
- 'ante legem', 'sub lege', 'sub gratia'
- 'Anthesteria', festival of Dionysus
- 'Anthesteria', festival of Dionysus - EE - naiset ainoastaan
- 'apotropaion' against vampires, e.g.: cross, garlic
- 'après le bain'
- 'après le bain' - AA - peseytyminen ja kylpeminen; ulkona
- 'arba kanfot', scapular garment with fringes on each of the four corners ~ Jewish ceremonial objects
- 'Architectura', symbolic representations, allegories and emblems ~ architecture; 'Architettura' (Ripa)
- 'Architekturbild'
- 'Aria', 'Carro dell'aria' (Ripa)
- 'Arithmetica' (~ quadrivium); 'Aritmetica' (Ripa)
- 'Arma Christi'
- 'Arma Christi' ~ Kristus
- 'Arme' (Ripa)
- 'Armonia' (Ripa)
- 'Ars amandi'
- 'ars memorandi', mnemotechnics
- 'Ars moriendi'
- 'Artes Liberales' versus 'Artes Vulgares'
- 'Artes Mechanicae' (Lanificium, Armatura, Navigatio, Agricultura, Venatio, Medicina, Theatrica)
- 'Artes Vulgares'
- 'as a shepherd (the Son of Man) separates the sheep from the goats' (Matthew 25:32)
- 'ascendit ad coelos, sedet ad dexteram patris omnipotentis' ~ articles of faith
- 'Ashkenazim' ~ Jewish communities
- 'ask, and it will be given you' ~ doctrine of Christ on anxiety and precaution (Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:9)
- 'Astrologia' (Ripa)
- 'Astronomia' (~ quadrivium); 'Astronomia' (Ripa)
- 'Astronomia', 'Cosmografia'; 'Cosmografia' (Ripa)
- 'attaques brusquées'
- 'auguuri' ~ Rooman uskonto
- 'automatic' music
- 'automatic' music - CC - ulkoilmassa, ulkona
- 'azei hayyim' (trees of life), sticks, rods or rollers of the Scroll of the Law ~ Jewish religion
- 'ba'al keri'ah', reader of the Torah ~ Jewish religion
- 'bambochades', revellers
- 'bar mitzvah', Jewish initiatory rites for boys of thirteen years
- 'Be merciful ...' ~ doctrine of Christ on love, etc. (Luke 6:36)
- 'Beatitudine a guisa d'emblema' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine ottava' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine prima', 'Povertà di spirito' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine quarta' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine quinta' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine seconda' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine septima' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine sesta' (Ripa)
- 'Beatitudine terza' (Ripa)
- 'beau vieillard'
- 'Behold Behemoth' ~ God speaks to Job
- 'Benevolenza et Unione matrimoniale', 'Concordia maritale' (Ripa)
- 'berakhot', blessings, benedictions ~ Jewish religion
- 'berit milah', circumcision ~ Jewish ceremonies
- 'besamim' box, 'hadas', spice box, spice container ~ Sabbath
- 'Bet Ha-midrash', house of study, 'Schola Judaeorum'
- 'Betty', 'Molly' (man who engages in women's work)
- 'Beutelbuch'
- 'Bigorne et Chiceface'
- 'bimah', platform for reading the Torah
- 'Birkat ha-Levanah', 'Kiddush Levanah', benediction of the moon ~ Jewish religion
- 'birth' of 'homo artificialis'
- 'blow the trumpet in Zion' (Joel 2:1-2)
- 'blue Monday'
- 'Bocca della Verità' (woman accused of adultery putting her hand into sculpted figure's mouth to prove her innocence)
- 'Buhurt', 'Bouhourt' (medieval contest)
- 'Buio' (Ripa)
- 'but deliver us from evil' ~ the Lord's prayer
- 'But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons ...' ~ proverbial saying of Christ (Luke 11:20)
- 'by the rivers of Babylon ...'
- 'by the rivers of Babylon ...' - the book of Psalms ~ non-biblical Christian motifs
- 'by the rivers of Babylon ...' - the book of Psalms ~ other scenes
- 'by the rivers of Babylon ...' - the book of Psalms ~ scenes from the New Testament
- 'by the rivers of Babylon ...' ~ the Hebrews in Captivity lamenting by the riverside
- 'caladrius', 'charadrius' (fabulous bird)
- 'camera lucida' (~ tools, implements of draughtsman)
- 'camera obscura' (~ tools, implements of draughtsman)
- 'can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?' ~ disciples of Christ disobeying the Jewish laws
- 'Can you draw out Leviathan' ~ God speaks to Job
- 'capsa', casket for scrolls
- 'capsa', casket for scrolls - LL - scroll unfolded
- 'caput manui innixum', head held in the hand(s)
- 'caput manui innixum', head held in the hand(s) - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- 'caput triciput', 'signum triceps'
- 'caput triciput', 'signum triceps' - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- 'Carezze amatorie' (Ripa)
- 'carnis resurrectionem' ~ articles of faith
- 'cassone'
- 'Castità matrimoniale', 'Fede maritale', 'Matrimonio' (Ripa)
- 'Castità', 'Pudicitia', 'Vergogna honesta' (Ripa)
- 'centicore'
- 'cerastes'
- 'Chirurgia'
- 'cholent' pot (in which food is kept hot) ~ Jewish Sabbath
- 'Christus Rex'
- 'Christus Rex' - DD - Christ beardless
- 'Civitas Dei'
- 'Colerico (per il fuoco)' (Ripa)
- 'collectarium'
- 'Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden' ~ sayings of Christ (Matthew 11:28)
- 'Comedia', 'Comedia vecchia' (Ripa)
- 'Cometa, ninfa dell'aria' (Ripa)
- 'command these stones to become loaves of bread' ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness
- 'commedia dell'arte'
- 'Compitalia', feast in honour of the Lares
- 'concha' ~ architecture
- 'Confessio Augustana', 'Augsburger Konfession'
- 'consecratio', bread and wine changed into the body and blood of Christ
- 'consider the lilies of the field' ~ doctrine of Christ on anxiety and precaution (Matthew 6:28; Luke 12:27)
- 'consider the ravens' ~ doctrine of Christ on anxiety and precaution (Luke 12:24)
- 'Consilium', Counsel ~ one of the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost
- 'Contento amoroso' (Ripa)
- 'Conversatione' (Ripa)
- 'Conversione' (Ripa)
- 'Convito' (Ripa)
- 'Convito' (Ripa) - CC - out of doors
- 'Cornucopia', runsaudensarvi
- 'cornuto', i.e. raised index finger and little finger bent above the forehead
- 'cornuto', i.e. raised index finger and little finger bent above the forehead - AA - molemmat kädet tai käsivarret
- 'Corografia', 'Geografia', 'Hidrografia' (Ripa)
- 'Corruttella ne' giudici' (Ripa)
- 'Corte' (Ripa)
- 'Corte' (Ripa) - BB - naishallitsija
- 'Crapula' (Ripa)
- 'Crapula' (Ripa) - CC - out of doors
- 'Credito' (Ripa)
- 'Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, creatorem coeli et terrae' ~ articles of faith
- 'credo in Spiritum Sanctum' ~ articles of faith
- 'Crepuscolo della matina' (Ripa)
- 'Crepuscolo della sera' (Ripa)
- 'cris de Paris', cries of London, etc.
- 'cris de Paris', cries of London, etc. - BB - kaupallisella alalla toimivat naishenkilöt
- 'Datio overo Gabella' (Ripa)
- 'De Civitate Dei', by St. Augustine
- 'Debito' (Ripa)
- 'Decameronin' miespuoliset henkilöt : Käytä 82A(...)
- 'Defensorium inviolatae virginitatis'; symbols of virginal motherhood
- 'Delitioso' (Ripa)
- 'descendit ad inferna, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis' ~ articles of faith
- 'Desiderio verso Iddio' (Ripa)
- 'destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up' ~ purification of the temple
- 'Dexiocratousa' ~ Madonna
- 'Dialectica' (~ trivium); 'Dialettica' (Ripa)
- 'Digestione' (Ripa)
- 'Digestione' (Ripa) - AA - alaston naisfiguuri
- 'Digiuno' (Ripa)
- 'Disputa'
- 'Divina Commedian' miespuoliset henkilöt : Käytä 82A(...)
- 'do not be anxious about your life' ~ doctrine of Christ on anxiety and precaution (Matthew 6:25; Luke 12:22)
- 'do not forbid him; for he that is not against you is for you' ~ Christ answering the apostle John (Mark 9:39-40; Luke 9:50)
- 'do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine' ~ doctrine of Christ on love, etc. (Matthew 7:6)
- 'Don Juan' (woman-chaser)
- 'dukhan', tribune from which the priestly blessing is given ~ Jewish Temple
- 'débutante'
- 'décolleté'
- 'Ecclesia ex circumcisione'
- 'Ecclesia ex Gentibus'
- 'Ecclesia Imperatrix', enthroned
- 'Ecclesia lactans', maybe with Moses and Paul
- 'Ecclesia' and 'Synagoga' grinding wheat in a mill
- 'Ecclesia' and 'Synagoga' ~ crucified Christ: 'Ecclesia' catches Christ's blood in her chalice
- 'Ecclesia' and 'Synagoga' ~ crucified Lamb
- 'Ecclesia' and 'Synagoga', Church and Synagogue
- 'Ecclesia' as bride of Christ (the Lamb), 'Ecclesia sponsa Dei', 'sponsus-sponsa'
- 'Ecclesia' as Christ's mystical body
- 'Ecclesia' born from Christ's side
- 'Ecclesia' protected by ruler
- 'Ecclesia' triumphant over 'Synagoga', unveiling of 'Synagoga'
- 'Edifitio overo un sito' (Ripa)
- 'Edifitio overo un sito' (Ripa) - AA - rakennukset: sisäpuoli
- 'Elementi', 'Elementi secondo Empedocle' (Ripa)
- 'Elemosina' (Ripa)
- 'Eleousa', 'Glykophilousa' ~ Madonna
- 'Eleousa', 'Glykophilousa' ~ Madonna - FF - the Christ-child to Mary's right
- 'elevatio', showing the Sacred Host and Chalice
- 'en route', traveller under way
- 'Enoch ... was taken up' ~ Enoch's translation
- 'Epitaphios' ~ mourning over the dead Christ
- 'Equinottio dell'autunno' (Ripa)
- 'Equinottio della primavera' (Ripa)
- 'Erotes', Venuksen palvonta, Venuksen juhla (Filostratos, Imagines I 6): kupidot leikkivät omenoilla hedelmätarhassa, missä on Venuksen temppeli tai alttari; ne ampuvat nuolia, tanssivat, painiskelevat keskenään ja yrittävät ottaa kiinni jäniksiä
- 'Esilio' (Ripa)
- 'Et in Arcadia ego'
- 'et in Jesum Christum filium eius' ~ articles of faith
- 'Etimasia', empty throne with the book of life, prepared for Christ
- 'etrog' box ~ 'Sukkot'
- 'etrog', citron (or lemon) ~ 'Sukkot'
- 'Età in generale' (Ripa)
- 'every one who divorces his wife ... makes her an adulteress' ~ doctrine of Christ on adultery (Matthew 5:32, 19:9; Mark 10:11; Luke 16:18)
- 'every one who looks at a woman lustfully ...' ~ doctrine of Christ on adultery (Matthew 5:28)
- 'ex voto', votive image or object
- 'fahrende Leute', vagrants
- 'Falsita d'amore overo inganno' (Ripa)
- 'Father, forgive them ...' ~ saying of Christ on the cross
- 'Father, forgive them ...' ~ saying of Christ on the cross - DD - Kristus yksinään ristillä
- 'Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit' ~ saying of Christ on the cross
- 'Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit' ~ saying of Christ on the cross - DD - Kristus yksinään ristillä
Informationen zum Vokabular
Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world.
Contains information from Iconclass, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).
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tiistai 16. syyskuuta 2014 06:35:26
perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2012 00:00:00