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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- qabdiet inċidentali
- qafas leġislattiv
- qafas soċjali
- qafas tal-politika
- qamħa
- qasab
- qasam pubbliku marittimu
- qasam pubbliku tal-passaġġi fuq l-ilma interni
- qastna
- qatrân
- qawwa politika
- qawwa tal-pulizija
- qerda tal-kopertura forestali
- qerda tal-ħut
- qerda tas-saff ożoniku
- qgħad
- qiegħ il-baħar
- qiegħ ix-xmara
- qiegħ/ fond tal-ilma
- qorti
- qorti amministrattiva
- Qorti Ewropea tal-Ġustizzja
- Qorti Internazzjonali tal-Ġustizzja
- qorti tal-ġustizzja
- Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej
- qoton
- qoxra tad-dinja
- qoxra veġetali
- qrolla
- qsim ta' fruntiera
- qtil tal-annimali
- qtugħ tal-ħaxix ħażin li jikber mal-ilma
- qâla
Vocabulary information
GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.0, 2018-07-12T14:49:05.824817+00:00
GEMET, the GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus, has been developed as an indexing, retrieval and control tool for the European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources (ETC/CDS) and the European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen. ( It is provided under CC-BY 2.5 distribution license. This is a modified version that contains skos:broadMatch links from GEMET concepts to BackBoneThesaurus (BBT) concepts.
Resource counts by type
Type | Count |
Term counts by language
Language | Preferred terms | Alternate terms | Hidden terms |