Seitenleisten-Liste: Vokabular-Inhalt nach Kriterien auflisten und durchlaufen
- Alphabetisch
- Hierarchie
- Gruppen
Begriffe des Vokabulars alphabetisch auflisten
Vokabular-Konzepte hierarchisch auflisten
Begriffe und Gruppierungen des Vokabulars hierarchisch auflisten
Buchstaben zum alphabetischen Auflisten auswählen
Auflistung der Vokabular-Begriffe nach Alphabet
- tailings pond
- taking of evidence
- tank farm
- tanker (ship)
- tanker (truck)
- tannin
- tar
- tar production
- tar sand
- tar use
- target group
- target setting
- tariff
- tax
- tax differentiation
- tax law
- tax on capital
- tax on consumption
- tax system
- taxation
- taxation policy
- taxonomy
- teaching
- teaching material
- teaching method
- technical information
- technical instruction
- technical regulation
- technical regulation for dangerous substances
- technological accident
- technological change
- technological development
- technological hazard
- technological process
- technology
- technology acceptance
- technology assessment
- technology transfer
- tectonics
- telecommunications
- teleheating
- telematics
- telemetry
- television
- television programme
- temperate climate
- temperate ecosystem
- temperate forest
- temperate woodland
- temperature
- temperature change
- temporary housing
- temporary shelter
- temporary storage
- teratogen
- teratogenesis
- teratogenesis screening
- teratogenic substance
- teratogenicity
- termination of employment
- terminology
- termite
- terraced garden
- terraced landscape
- terrestrial area
- terrestrial biological resource
- terrestrial ecosystem
- terrestrial environment
- territorial community
- territorial government
- territorial policy
- territory
- tertiary sector
- tertiary treatment
- test
- test animal
- test organism
- testing guideline
- testing method
- testing of chemicals
- testing of materials
- testing of plant protection products
- textile
- textile industry
- textile plant
- thallium
- theory of money
- theory of the environment
- theory of the welfare state
- therapy
- thermal equipment
- thermal insulation
- thermal pollution
- thermal power plant
- thermal sea power
- thermal treatment
- thermal water
- thermo-mechanical biofuel production
- thermodynamics
- thermoselect process
- thesaurus
- thesis
- thickening
- threshold value
- thunderstorm
- tidal power
- tidal power station
- tidal water
- tide
- timber
- timber forest
- timber industry
- timber producing chain
- time
- time allocation
- time budget
- tin (element)
- tissue
- titanium
- titanium dioxide
- toad
- tobacco
- tobacco smoke
- tornado
- tortoise
- total organic carbon
- total parameter
- tourism
- tourist attendance
- tourist facility
- touristic activity management
- touristic route
- touristic unit
- touristic zone
- toxic effect
- toxic metal
- toxic pollution
- toxic product
- toxic substance
- toxic waste
- toxicity
- toxicity of pesticides
- toxicological assessment
- toxicological testing
- toxicology
- toxin
- trace element
- trace material
- tracer
- tracheophyte
- tracking plan
- trade (economic)
- trade (profession)
- trade (services)
- trade activity
- trade and consumption
- trade barrier
- trade impact on environment
- trade policy
- trade relations
- trade restriction
- trade waste
- tradeable permit
- trades union
- traditional architecture
- traditional culture
- traditional health care
- traffic
- traffic accident
- traffic control
- traffic control measure
- traffic emission
- traffic engineering
- traffic infrastructure
- traffic jam
- traffic monitoring
- traffic noise
- traffic noise control
- traffic on water
- traffic regulation
- traffic route
- traffic route construction
- train
- training
- training centre
- trajectory
- transboundary pollution
- transhumance
- transition
- transition element
- transitional arrangement
- transitional settlement
- transitional waters
- transpiration
- transport (physics)
- transport cost
- transport law
- transport planning
- transport regulation
- transport system
- transportation
- transportation business
- transportation by pipeline
- transportation mean
- transportation means → transportation means Stattdessen verwenden: transportation meantransportation mean
- transportation means → transportation means Stattdessen verwenden: transportation meantransportation mean
- transportation policy
- transposition of directive
- trapping
- travel
- travel cost
- treatment of gases
- treatment residue
- treaty
- tree
- tree biomass
- tree nursery
- trend
- trend of opinion
- trial
- triazine
- trickle irrigation
- trickling filter
- trinity of principles
- tritium
- trophic ecology
- trophic level
- tropical climate
- tropical ecosystem
- tropical forest
- tropical forest ecosystem
- tropical plant
- tropical rain forest
- tropics
- troposheric aerosol
- troposphere
- tropospheric ozone
- trunk road
- tumour
- tundra
- tunnel
- turbidity
- turbine
- tween-deck tanker
- twin-hull craft
- two-stroke engine
- type of business
- type of claim
- type of management
- type of tenure
Informationen zum Vokabular
GEMET - Concepts, version 4.1.0, 2018-07-12T14:49:05.824817+00:00
GEMET, the GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus, has been developed as an indexing, retrieval and control tool for the European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources (ETC/CDS) and the European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen. ( It is provided under CC-BY 2.5 distribution license. This is a modified version that contains skos:broadMatch links from GEMET concepts to BackBoneThesaurus (BBT) concepts.
Anzahl Ressourcen nach Typ
Typ | Anzahl |
Anzahl Begriffe nach Sprache
Sprache | Bevorzugte Begriffe | Synonyme | Versteckte Begriffe |