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  • This term classifies professional or potentially professional areas of employment, that are socially and/ or legally recognized on the basis of the criteria of self-coherence, the efficacy of the practices they employ, the adoption of common methods and the ability to transfer knowledge and expertise in the relevant professional sector. Each sector includes types of activities that point to a certain unity of action characteristic of some sort of professional or potentially potential specialization. The specialization may relate to the production or modification of material objects, the conception and understanding of activities or phenomena, the provision /transfer of services, knowledge and know-how and the creation of works and phenomena with aesthetic value.

    Note: It is important to clarify that the terms classified in the “disciplines” term should not be confused with the actor who performs an act or the results of his activity or the method used in order to achieve this result. The actor as “the efficient cause”, the result as “the final cause” and the method as the sum of the rules and constraints that an actor follows in order to perform an act, are different terms which belong to different facets and hierarchies.

    When determining the activities classified in the “Disciplines” hierarchy we should not confuse the history of a specific discipline i.e. the specific temporal and spatial environment in which this discipline appeared and was perceived with the type of activities characterizing this discipline.


  • curatorDHT


  • admin


  • 33

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