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Listing vocabulary concepts alphabetically
- A posteriori languages
- Abacis
- Abbot
- Abolition of slavery
- Absolute kingship
- Absolute synonymy
- Abstract Art
- Academies
- Academies of Fine Arts
- Academies of science
- Accounts (Public inscriptions)
- Accusative
- Accusative of relation
- Acoustic animal communication systems
- Acrolith
- Acts
- Adaptation
- Address to the audience
- Advance mention → Advance mention Prefer using SeedSeed
- Adverb
- Adverb clauses of reason
- Adversative clauses
- Aeginetan weight standard
- Aeolian dialect → Aeolian dialect Prefer using Aeolic dialectAeolic dialect
- Aeolic dialect
- Aerial bombings
- Aes formatum
- Aes grave
- Aes rude
- Aes signatum
- Affective fallacy (Literature)
- Affinity
- Affix
- Age groups
- Agoranomoi (Collective authorities)
- Agoranomos (ancient Athens)
- Agreeing modifier
- Airbrushing
- Akmoniskos (Numismatics)
- Albums (Bearers of inscriptions)
- Alchemy
- Alexanders (coins)
- Alienation effect → Alienation effect Prefer using Estrangement effectEstrangement effect
- Alliteration
- Allomorph
- Alphabetical oracles
- Alphabets
- Amanecis
- Ambassador
- Amelis
- Amendments of decrees → Amendments of decrees Prefer using Αdditions of decrees (Epigraphy)Αdditions of decrees (Epigraphy)
- Amphictyonic coins
- Amphodarchai (Collective authorities)
- Amphodarches (ancient Pergamos)
- Anachronies (Narratology-Methods)
- Anagnorisis
- Anagrapheis
- Anagrapheus (city-state period)
- Analepsis (Narratology-Methods)
- Analytic languages
- Anapaest → Anapaest Prefer using AnapestAnapest
- Anapaestic dimeter → Anapaestic dimeter Prefer using Anapestic dimeterAnapestic dimeter
- Anapaestic metron → Anapaestic metron Prefer using Anapestic metronAnapestic metron
- Anapest
- Anapestic dimeter
- Anapestic metron
- Anaphora (figure of speech)
- Anatomy
- Ancient abbreviations
- Ancient comedy
- Ancient drama
- Ancient Greek grammar
- Ancient Greek literature
- Ancient Greek metre
- Ancient Greek poetry
- Ancient Greek prose
- Ancient Greek syntax
- Ancient Greek tragedy
- Ancient theatres
- Anglicans
- Animal communication systems
- Animal husbandry
- Anisochronies (Narratology-Methods)
- Anthropological theories of kinship
- Anthropology
- Anti-colonial wars
- Anticipation → Anticipation Prefer using Prolepsis (Narratology-Methods)Prolepsis (Narratology-Methods)
- Antidosis
- Antike griechische Tragödie → Antike griechische Tragödie Prefer using Ancient Greek tragedyAncient Greek tragedy
- Antiphrasis
- Antithetical clauses → Antithetical clauses Prefer using Adversative clausesAdversative clauses
- Antoniniani
- Antonymy
- Anvil → Anvil Prefer using Akmoniskos (Numismatics)Akmoniskos (Numismatics)
- Apodektai (Collective authorities)
- Apodektes
- Apotome
- Applied Arts
- Applied ethics
- Apron → Apron Prefer using ForestageForestage
- Aquarelles
- Aquatint
- Arbitrations (Interstate affairs inscriptions)
- Arboriculture
- Arcadian dialect
- Arcadocypriot dialect → Arcadocypriot dialect Prefer using Arcadian dialectArcadian dialect
- Archaeology
- Architheoros (city-state period)
- Archives (Corpora)
- Archon (city-state period)
- Archon basileus (city-state period)
- Archon epomymos (city-state period)
- Argentei
- Aristocracy
- Aristocracy of wealth and merit
- Arithmetic mean
- Arsis (Greek metre) → Arsis (Greek metre) Prefer using Short syllableShort syllable
- Arsons
- Art criticism
- Art exhibitions
- Art History
- Artificial languages → Artificial languages Prefer using Techincal languagesTechincal languages
- Artistic languages
- Arts
- Artworks
- Ashkenazi Jews
- Aside
- Aspra (coins)
- Aspra trachea
- Assarii
- Asses → Asses Prefer using AssariiAssarii
- Astarcis
- Astrolabes
- Astronomical observatories
- Astronomy
- Astynomoi (Collective authorities)
- Astynomos (ancient Athens)
- Asymmetric wars
- Ateleia (privileges in ancient Athens)
- Atescis
- Athletic games inscriptions
- Athlothetai (Collective authorities)
- Athlothetes (ancient Athens)
- Atom of kinship → Atom of kinship Prefer using Kinship atomKinship atom
- Attic comedy → Attic comedy Prefer using Ancient comedyAncient comedy
- Attic weight standard
- Attribute in the accusative case
- Attribute in the dative case
- Attribute in the genitive case
- Attribution
- Attributive adjective
- Attributive genitive
- Attributive position → Attributive position Prefer using Attributive adjectiveAttributive adjective
- Aurei
- Aureliani
- Authority (Numismatics)
- Auto refinishing → Auto refinishing Prefer using Vehicle refinishingVehicle refinishing
- Autodiegetic narrator
- Autohyponymy
- Automatism
- Axis (Numismatics)
- Axones (Bearers of inscriptions)
Vocabulary information
DYAS Humanities Thesaurus
Ancient history
Anthropology and ethnology
Art and history of art
Byzantine archaeology
Classical archaeology
Classical studies
History and philosophy of sciences
Literary studies
Modern and contemporary history
Prehistoric archaeology
Theatre studies
The Thesaurus is the intellectual property of the Academy of Athens (AA), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UOA) and the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA). It was created as a collaborative effort and was compiled during the course of the project DARIAH GR: Developing a Greek Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities (2013-2015) and of the project APOLLONIS: Greek Infrastructure for Humanities, Arts and Language Research and Innovation (2017-2020). It is maintained by the Academy of Athens. It is the outcome of an attempt to create a multilingual structured thesaurus of use to humanities scholars. It is a specialist thesaurus based on the principles, methodology and hierarchies of the BBT.
Chatzi Maria (ASFA)
Chatzimichail Christos (AA)
Chrysovitsanos Gerasimos (AA)
Daskalothanasis Nikos (ASFA)
Dimakopoulou Christina (ASFA)
Drapelova Pavla (UOA)
Falierou Anastasia (AA)
Gardika Katerina (UOA)
Georgopoulos Theodoros (UOA)
Goulis Helen (AA)
Iakovidou Athena (AA)
Kalafata Patritsia (AA)
Karasimos Athanasios (AA)
Katakis Stelios (UOA)
Katsiadakis Helen (AA)
Konstantellou Dora (UOA)
Mergoupi-Savaidou Eirini (AA)
Papadopoulou Georgia (UOA)
Sichani Anna-Maria (AA)
Sinou Christina (AA)
Souyioultzoglou Iraklitos (AA)
Terzis Christos (AA)
Theodoridou Dimitra (UOA)
Tzedopoulos Giorgos (AA)
Xiropaidis Georgios (ASFA)
Last modified
Date issued
Resource counts by type
Type | Count |
Term counts by language
Language | Preferred terms | Alternate terms | Hidden terms |