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  • Printing technique. The printmaker draws his pattern by use of an oily pencil on a stone or zinc plate. Then he fixes his pattern using a solution of gum and nitric acid and he lets it become oxidized. Lithography is based on the principle that the fat/oil repels water, so when the plate is cleansed using water, only spots that are drawn remain. Afterwards, the printmaker passes throughout the plate the ink which sets only on the spots that are drawn by use of the oily pencil and then the plate is printed. The surface that is printed is therefore smooth, meaning it is not printed. Through the method of Lithography it is created the biggest number of copies in relation to all the other printing methods, due to the fact that the plate is damaged slightly.


  • Arteshop 2008


  • Daskalothanasis Nikos (ASFA)


  • Xiropaidis Georgios (ASFA)


  • 851

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